() Conference (4) OpenFluor (1) PhD (2) PhD (2) Webinar (1) drEEM (3) funding (2) postdoc (1) publication (6) website (1)


 Conference (4)

Chemometrics in a spectacular location
Let's DISCO!
Co-hosting a conference session
EGU 2017

 OpenFluor (1)

OPENFluor plugin for OPENChrom

 PhD (2)

Defended my PhD
The LC addon for drEEM

 PhD (2)

Defended my PhD
The LC addon for drEEM

 Webinar (1)

Horiba Webinar

 drEEM (3)

Software update
drEEM software update
The LC addon for drEEM

 funding (2)

DFF funding

 postdoc (1)

A new postdoc position

 publication (6)

Emerging patterns
Fusing organic matter properties
Are organic matter extracts representative?
Are there ubiquitous fluorescence spectra as proxies for organic matter?
One-sample PARAFAC
Paper in L&O

 website (1)

New website