Software update

I’m happy to tell you that I’ve released a new update to the drEEM toolbox for Matlab. in v0.6.0, we worked on a brand-new documentation, improved a lot of functionality, and even added some new features. [Read More]
Tags: drEEM

New postdoc position

I’ve completed my 2.5yr postdoc at Chalmers University and am happy to tell you that today, I am starting a new position at the Technical University of Denmark’s National Institute of Aquatic Resources. My research will focus on understanding the flux and fate of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the... [Read More]

New website

I decided to host my website in a new look at the webaddress The new site is hosted as a GitHub repository using a forked theme available for free. I will be posting new updates here and regularly update the content of this website.
Tags: website

Emerging patterns

The first paper of my PostDoc at Chalmers published. We are finally exploring the spectral patterns in the OpenFluor database. Find out which patterns emerge in the open access RSC publication.
Tags: publication